Các lá bài trong AI Omniscience

UR Rarity
Dark Templar @Ignister
UR Rarity
The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister
UR Rarity
Light Dragon @Ignister
SR Rarity
Dark Infant @Ignister
SR Rarity
Fire Phoenix @Ignister
SR Rarity
SR Rarity
Wind Pegasus @Ignister
SR Rarity
A.I. Meet You
SR Rarity
Ignister A.I.Land
SR Rarity
A.I.'s Show
R Rarity
Achichi @Ignister
R Rarity
Danmari @Ignister
R Rarity
Gatchiri @Ignister
R Rarity
Gussari @Ignister
R Rarity
Pikari @Ignister
R Rarity
Earth Golem @Ignister
R Rarity
A.I.dle Reborn
R Rarity
FA.I.ghting Spirit
R Rarity
You and A.I.
R Rarity
A.I. Challenge You
N Rarity
Donyoribo @Ignister
N Rarity
Doshin @Ignister
N Rarity
Doyon @Ignister
N Rarity
Hiyari @Ignister
N Rarity
Water Leviathan @Ignister
N Rarity
Bururu @Ignister
N Rarity
A.I. Contact
N Rarity
A.I. Love Fusion
N Rarity
A.I.'s Ritual
N Rarity
TA.I. Strike
N Rarity
A.I. Shadow
N Rarity